
Averages 27 July 2018

African Game Auctioneers, Mpatamacha Bomas - Vaalwater, 27 July 2018    
Spesie/Species Getal/ Gemiddeld/ Hoogste/ Laagste/
  Number Avergae R Highest R Lowest R
Blesbok (Wit)/Blesbuck (White) (ooi/ewe) 3 3 700.00 5 100.00 3 000.00
Blesbok/Blesbuck (ooi/ewe) 7 3 142.86 3 700.00 2 400.00
Blesbok/Blesbuck (ram) 1 4 000.00 4 000.00 4 000.00
Blou Wildebees/Blue Wildebeest (familiegroep/family group) 9 2 600.00 2 600.00 2 600.00
Blou Wildebees/Blue Wildebeest (koei/cow) 11 2 672.73 3 000.00 2 400.00
Duiker (Gewone)/Duiker (Common) (ram) 1 1 800.00 1 800.00 1 800.00
Eland (bul/bull) 7 12 642.86 20 000.00 7 500.00
Eland (familiegroep/family group) 6 6 100.00 6 200.00 6 000.00
Gemsbok/Gemsbuck (bul/bull) 7 9 628.57 12 000.00 8 000.00
Gemsbok/Gemsbuck (koei/cow) 2 7 600.00 7 600.00 7 600.00
Koedoe/Kudu (bul/bull) 10 15 350.00 27 000.00 65 000.00
Koedoe/Kudu (familiegroep/family group) 36 2 927.78 3 000.00 2 600.00
Koedoe/Kudu (koei/cow) 12 3 216.67 4 000.00 2 600.00
Njala/Nyala (bul/bull) 2 11 500.00 14 000.00 9 000.00
Njala/Nyala (familiegroep/family group) 2 4 500.00 4 500.00 4 500.00
Njala/Nyala (ooi/ewe) 15 3 840.00 5 000.00 3 000.00
Rietbok (Gewone)/Reedbuck (Common) (ooi/ewe) 6 6 666.67 6 800.00 6 400.00
Rietbok (Gewone)/Reedbuck (Common) (ram) 2 7 100.00 7 400.00 6 800.00
Rooibok/Impala (familiegroep/family group) 32 1 132.81 1 275.00 1 025.00
Rooihartbees/Red Hartebeest (bul/bull) 1 13 000.00 13 000.00 13 000.00
Rooihartbees/Red Hartebeest (koei/cow) 6 5 400.00 5 400.00 5 400.00
Sebra/Zebra (familiegroep/family group) 9 3 822.22 4 000.00 3 600.00
Sebra/Zebra (merrie/mare) 4 3 600.00 3 600.00 3 600.00
Springbok/Springbuck (ram) 1 4 200.00 4 200.00 4 200.00
Waterbok/Waterbuck (bul/bull) 4 10 000.00 17 000.00 6 000.00
Waterbok/Waterbuck (familiegroep/family group) 18 3 216.67 3 500.00 3 000.00
Waterbok/Waterbuck (koei/cow) 21 3 571.43 4 600.00 3 000.00
TOTALE OMSET / TOTAL TURNOVER: R 1 048 250.00 excl 235      
TOTALE OMSET / TOTAL TURNOVER: R 1 205 487.50 incl        
Afslaer/Auctioneer: Brandon Leer - African Game Auctioneers        
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