
Averages 25 August 2018

African Game Auctioneers, Mpatamacha Bomas - Vaalwater, 25 August 2018    
Spesie/Species Getal/ Gemiddeld/ Hoogste/ Laagste/
  Number Avergae R Highest R Lowest R
Basterhartbees/Tsessebe (bul/bull) 2 9 125.00 9 750.00 8 500.00
Blesbok (Wit)/Blesbuck (White) (ram) 3 4 800.00 4 800.00 4 800.00
Blesbok/Blesbuck (familiegroep/family group) 34 1 494.12 1 600.00 1 400.00
Blesbok/Blesbuck (ooi/ewe) 8 1 400.00 1 400.00 1 400.00
Blesbok/Blesbuck (ram) 11 4 500.00 4 500.00 4 500.00
Blou Wildebees/Blue Wildebeest (bul/bull) 35 4 991.43 8 000.00 2 800.00
Blou Wildebees/Blue Wildebeest (familiegroep/family group) 66 2 016.67 2 350.00 1 200.00
Blou Wildebees/Blue Wildebeest (koei/cow) 18 2 083.33 2 300.00 2 000.00
Eland (bul/bull) 4 10 375.00 14 500.00 9 000.00
Gemsbok/Gemsbuck (bul/bull) 9 7 000.00 7 500.00 6 000.00
Gemsbok/Gemsbuck (familiegroep/family group) 3 8 000.00 8 000.00 8 000.00
Gouewildebees/Golden Wildebeest (koei/cow) 6 10 583.33 11 000.00 10 250.00
Kameelperd/Giraffe (familiegroep/family group) 2 14 000.00 14 000.00 14 000.00
Koedoe/Kudu (bul/bull) 18 23 708.33 42 000.00 13 000.00
Koedoe/Kudu (familiegroep/family group) 17 5 064.71 5 300.00 4 900.00
Koedoe/Kudu (koei/cow) 4 5 700.00 5 700.00 5 700.00
Njala/Nyala (bul/bull) 9 12 277.78 26 000.00 3 500.00
Njala/Nyala (familiegroep/family group) 7 3 857.14 4 500.00 3 000.00
Njala/Nyala (ooi/ewe) 4 6 000.00 6 000.00 6 000.00
Rietbok (Gewone)/Reedbuck (Common) (familiegroep/family group) 2 8 000.00 8 000.00 8 000.00
Rooibok (Swart)/Impala (Black) (ooi/ewe) 4 4 750.00 4 750.00 4 750.00
Rooibok (Swart)/Impala (Black) (ram) 5 9 700.00 10 500.00 9 500.00
Rooibok/Impala (familiegroep/family group) 167 963.89 1 160.00 840.00
Rooibok/Impala (ram) 18 2 711.11 4 600.00 1 000.00
Rooihartbees/Red Hartebeest (bul/bull) 5 9 900.00 12 000.00 7 500.00
Rooihartbees/Red Hartebeest (familiegroep/family group) 4 7 000.00 7 000.00 7 000.00
Rooihartbees/Red Hartebeest (koei/cow) 5 7 200.00 8 250.00 6 500.00
Sebra/Zebra (familiegroep/family group) 6 4 200.00 4 200.00 4 200.00
Seekoie/Hippo (bul/bull) 1 92 000.00 92 000.00 92 000.00
Springbok (Koper)/Springbuck (Copper) (ram) 1 5 750.00 5 750.00 5 750.00
Springbok/Springbuck (ram) 1 6 000.00 6 000.00 6 000.00
Swartwitpens/Sable (bul/bull) 3 11 000.00 11 000.00 11 000.00
Swartwitpens/Sable (koei & vers kalf/cow & heifer calf) 8 17 250.00 23 000.00 13 000.00
Swartwitpens/Sable (koei/cow) 13 10 038.46 12 000.00 8 250.00
Waterbok/Waterbuck (bul/bull) 3 13 833.33 26 000.00 5 000.00
Waterbok/Waterbuck (familiegroep/family group) 6 3 250.00 3 250.00 3 250.00
Waterbok/Waterbuck (koei/cow) 11 3 600.00 4 200.00 2 800.00
TOTALE OMSET / TOTAL TURNOVER: R 2 344 420.00 excl 523      
TOTALE OMSET / TOTAL TURNOVER: R 2 696 083.00 incl        
Afslaer/Auctioneer: Brandon Leer - African Game Auctioneers        
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